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Showing posts with label Celtic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celtic. Show all posts

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Prophecy of Domnu

The Prophecy of Domnu

Recorded by Peter Berresford Ellis, from Celtic Myths and Legends


“‘All life is transitory. Even your children are not immortal, my sister. The time will come when they will be defeated. The time will come when no one will want gods and goddesses to nurture them, when they will be driven into the darkness, like my children have been this day.’

“‘The time approaches when the summers of Inisfail will be flowerless, when the cows shall be without milk, and the men will be weak and the women shall be shameless; the seas will be without fish, the trees without fruit and old men will give false judgments; the judges will make unjust laws and honor will count for little and warriors will betray each other and resort to thievery. There will come a time when there will be no more virtue left in this world.’

Indeed, there came that time when the Children of Mil flooded into the Island of Destiny and when the Children of Danu were driven underground into the hills, which were called sidhe, which is pronounced shee, and in those mounds they dwelt, the once mighty gods and goddesses, deserted by the very people who they had sought to nourish. The descendants of Mil, who live in the Island of Destiny to this day, called the Children of Danu the aes sidhe, the people of the hills, and when even the religion of Mil was forgotten, when the religion of the Cross replaced that of the Circle, the people simply called the aes sidhe by the name of fairies.

Of the greatest of the gods, the victor of the battle on the Plains of Towers, Lugh Lamhfada, god of all knowledge, patron of all arts and crafts, his name is still known today. But as memory of the mighty warrior, the invincible god, has faded, he is known only as Lugh-chromain, little stooping Lugh of the sidhe, relegated to the role of a fairy craftsman. And, as even the language in which he was venerated has disappeared, all that is left of the supreme god of the Children of Danu is the distorted form of that name Lugh-chromain… leprechaun.”

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Advice from Merlyn from Confucius

In the wonderfully moving sequel to The Once and Future King, The Book of Merlyn, near the end, Merlyn quotes Confucius:

"In order to propagate virtue in the world, one must first rule
one's country.
In order to rule one's country, one must first rule one's family.
In order to rule one's family, one must first regulate one's 
body by moral training.
In order to regulate one's body, one must first regulate one's 
In order to regulate one's mind, one must first be sincere in
one's intentions.
In order to be sincere in one's intentions, one must first
increase one's knowledge."

Monday, February 8, 2016

Poetry for your Monday

"We bled under a banner to find life as free men 
the wind still blows across those far off glens
where Scottish blood flowed to keep us all free 
What we did not know was, what will be, will be   

We can alter the future by the actions of today 
but yesterday is already set and flown away 
so set your sights on changing tomorrow 
don't dwell on the past and all of the sorrow   

The future can shine as bright as the sun 
Our web of life is still to be spun 
The silken thread that join us together 
all interlinked and entwined  with the heather   

The blood in our veins carries memories of the past 
linking us together from the first to the last 
Wherever you roam you will remember your blood line 
no matter where you are a Scottish heart will always shine   

The freedom we had is still all around 
The heart that is Scotland can never be drowned 
A voice from the past is heard in every true heart 
So stay true to yourself and live free before you depart"

-Leslie Hounsel